RS232Xfer.exe is a command line Serial Communication File Transfer Utility for Windows. It returns an error code denoting success or failure. The returned error code may be queried by a command (batch) file or from an application that spawns the utility.
Example Usage:
RS232Xfer -b9600 -eZMODEM COM1 SEND c:\Upload\*.pdf
The above example sends all the PDF files in the directory Upload over COM1 using the ZMODEM protocol.
Compatible with Windows 7,Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2000, Windows NT
Compatible with any COM port including USB/Serial adapters, Bluetooth/Serial Adapters, Ethernet/Serial Adapters as long as the export the COM interface
Can be a command/batch file
Can be spawned from any application
Returns error code that may be queried.
Possible Usage:
Transfer files in batch between computers.