
Windows 7

Drv_v1.8.0.2r_win7 Windows 7 drivers for WCSC PCI Multiport cards.

Windows Vista Drivers

WinVistaPCI.zip Windows Vista drivers for WCSC PCI Multiport cards.

Windows XP Drivers

WinXpPCI.exe Windows 2000 drivers for WCSC PCI Multiport cards.

Windows 2000 Drivers

Win2kISA.exe Windows 2000 drivers for WCSC ISA Multiport cards.
Win2kPCI.exe Windows 2000 drivers for WCSC PCI Multiport cards.
W2kRemDrv.zip Completely removes drivers.
W2kRemDrvFix.reg Fixes the error “The required section was not found in INF” when attempting to install the multiport drivers. This will occur if the wrong keys deleted from the registry.


Windows NT

NTISAPCI.exe Windows NT drivers for WCSC PCI and ISA Multiport cards.

Windows 95 / Windows 98 Drivers

W9xISA.exe Windows 95/98 drivers for all ISA WCSC Multiport Cards.
W9xPCI.exe Windows 95/98 drivers for all PCI WCSC Multiport Cards.

Linux Drivers

LinuxISA.zip Linux Driver for WCSC ISA Multiport Cards.
LinuxPCI.tgz Linux Driver for WCSC PCI Multiport Cards.
LinuxPCI(2_4_6).tgz Linux Driver for WCSC PCI Multiport Cards.
LinuxPCI(2.4.18-3).tgz Linux Driver for WCSC PCI Multiport Cards.
LinuxPCI(2.4.20-8).gz Linux Driver for WCSC PCI Multiport Cards.

Windows 3.x Drivers

W3xISA.zip Windows 3.x for WCSC ISA Multiport Cards.

SCO Unix Drivers

DC.zip SCO Unix drivers for WCSC PCI Cards (SCO5.0.4/5.0.5/5.0.6)
PCISCOUnix.tgz SCO Unix drivers for WCSC PCI Cards
ISASCOUnix.zip SCO Unix drivers for WCSC ISA Cards

OS/2 Drivers

OS2ISA.zip OS/2 drivers for WCSC ISA Multiport Cards.
OS2PCI.zip OS/2 drivers for WCSC PCI Multiport Cards.


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