If you are having problems setting up your CNC machine with one pair of our adapters the following procedure will get you up and running quickly. It is important to note that when configuring these adapters, only one should be powered up at a time. Make sure you have the configuration utility installed. If you do not have it installed, you can get it here.
- Run the configuration utility.
- Reset each adapter.
- Apply power to adapter, make sure switch is towards the connector, and plug into serial port on the PC.
- Click on Reset Adapter and follow instructions.
- Click Pair Adapter and follow instructions to pair the adapters to each other.
- After successful pairing please perform the following on each adapter. Do not change any parameter not detailed below.
- Apply power to adapter, make sure switch is towards the connector, and plug into serial port on the PC.
- Click on Get Adapter Info.
- Click the baud rate to the baud rate of your CNC computer.
- Click on Parity:NONE, Stopits:One, FlowControl:Disabled, Escape:Disabled. Even if you CNC computer uses 7bits, even parity, and any number of stopbits, make settings as indicated.
- Click on Program Adapter.
- At this point the adapters are ready for use. Plug one adapter into PC. Make sure switch is towards the connector.
- Plug the other adapter into the CNC machine. If the cable you previously used to connect the computer was stright through cable, the switch should be towards the antenna. If the cable previously used to connect to computer was a cross over cable (NULL MODEM CABLE) then the switch should be towards the connector.